Sunday, April 12, 2009

Turn Off The Lights

Listening to Frank and Alice converse is a very funny thing to do, especially when they don't know that you are listening. For example, this conversation took place this morning....

(Alice gibbering to herself)

Frank: (sleepily) Alice... turn off the lights.

Alice: It is off.

A: Today is Easter, we can go look for eggs later!

Silence for 3 minutes....

F: turn off the light.

A: It IS off!

F: Cover the window then.

A: It IS covered. Everything is off and covered.

A: Good Morning Frank! Good Morning Frank! Good Morning Frank! Good Morning Frank!

F: BE QUIET!!!!!

(Alice continued to sing song "Good Morning Frank" until I intervened with the prospect of breakfast. Frank is still in bed.)


Annie April 13, 2009 at 6:46 AM  

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Frank and Alice

A brother/sister duo, tackling childhood together, one adventure at a time.

Frank: A first grader who enjoys pretending, watching TV and feeding his latest obsession, Super Mario Brothers.

Alice: A soon to be Kinder who enjoys instigating any and all sorts of michiefs.

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